The project "Still Humans" is a modular artistic event. It is called as modular because it will be presented in several places differentiating its content on the one hand but maintaining its two basic conceptual frameworks-the sculptural installation "Obedient Bodies" and the performance entitled "O Tempora! O Mores!" (Cicero) on the other.
How many of us have realized that we live in an era where virtual reality and delusion predominate? Are we really free in making our own choices or are we moved towards and programmed by the contemporary means which are generously given to us? Do we really know ourselves? 

When we look at the mirror what do we really see? Do we actually communicate or is it just an infertile superficial transaction? All the above mentioned questions, need to be investigated and hopefully answered through this project. The ultimate task is not only to communicate my concerns but also manage to drift my fellow humans to the awareness of this gloomy reality.

Is it possible that we, the contemporary humans, are living in an illusionary world? Although we may think that we determine with free will our existence and place in the world, in reality the opposite happens. We live in the delusion that we have whatever we wish for. Alas, I am afraid that we almost have nothing. There are plenty of meanings when one observes present-day humans, obedient people, skeletal bodies, bones, screaming mouths- to name but a few. The only certain thing is that humans are excluded, stranded both, externally and internally. The sacredness of life has fallen. 

The desiderant is to find a way out, free, save and release ourselves from the status quo. The desiderant is finding the essence, making free choices, being in harmony and in actual contact with others. The desiderant is living a true life.The first part of the journey took place in Greece as an artistic exhibition (at Chili Art Gallery, Athens) in which two sections of wall-mounted paintings, a sculptural installation and a performance were included.The first exhibition was supported by the following: Athanasios Theotokis (organisation), Chara Palaiologou (music composer), V&P Tassis art foundry (casting), ERT-national radio (advertising) Attitude Models (photography), Lora Dimoglou (costume designer), Maria Louisa Dimitropoulou (performer).

I am grateful that the first presentation was under the auspices of the Secretariat-General of Greeks Abroad of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.